Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Clinical Social Work as a Career Essay - 1944 Words

Choosing a career is a very important aspect to people’s lives. One goes to college, usually around the age of eighteen, and by the time they leave they are expected to have decided on the career that they will have for the rest of their lives. Being a psychology and interpersonal communication major, I have always had an interest on relationships between individuals given certain stimuli presented to them. I want to have the ability to touch people’s lives by helping them understand themselves and why they behave the way in which they behave. Relationships are such an important aspect to the process of human growth, and they impact each and every one of us. Due to this assessment of myself, I have decided to go to college to pursue my†¦show more content†¦One must also be able to adapt themselves to their public. â€Å"Social workers have a comprehensive knowledge of community resources and are able to tap them to meet the needs of their clients† (Skidm ore, Thackeray Farley, 8). Becoming a social worker does not mean that you work with just one type of person with just one type of disability. â€Å"Some communities need more practitioners with expertise in working with small children or with clients diagnosed with both mental disorders and developmental disabilities. Clinical social workers should target those areas and develop effective practices and directly market themselves in experts in these areas† (Roberts and Greene, 7). It is very important to be able to utilize the community resources to help solve problems. According to Holly Hill Children’s Services in Cincinnati, Ohio, (2002) one must be â€Å"flexible and capable of setting firm limits and boundaries...must be able to function in a leadership capacity while working as part of a team.† Being team oriented is also a very crucial aspect into being an effective social worker. It is important to be able to ask co-workers for guidance, because as earlier noted, people are different so some problems that clients face may be more vague to you, but necessarily not to everyone in your field. An organization in San Diego, California (2002) states that to get hired into their program one must â€Å"be able to work cooperatively with multidisciplinaryShow MoreRelatedPharmacists, Podiatrists, Clinical Social Workers Essay1406 Words   |  6 Pagesprovide work for 35 percent of all workers in the industry. 76 percent of the healthcare organizations are formed by offices of dentists, physicians, and other health practitioners. The healthcare industry is designed to administer care 24 hours, respond to needs of patients, diagnose, and treat. The purpose of this industry is to combine the human touch with medical technology (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010). 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